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UD Sinclair Academy

Application Process

You can apply to the UD Sinclair Academy as a first-year or transfer student and are encouraged to explore the available pathway majors before applying.

Students are welcome to explore direct admission to the University of Dayton while also considering the UD Sinclair Academy. You'll fill out a separate application for each, but only need to send your application documents once.

To apply to the UD Sinclair Academy, complete the UD Sinclair Academy application by the appropriate deadline:

  • Fall semester: August 1
  • Spring semester: February 1

Then submit additional application materials based on your current student type:

High school students must meet UD’s undergraduate admission requirements for entering first-year students, as well as submit:

  • Official high school completion document.
  • Official college transcripts for credit earned from College Credit Plus or Dual Enrollment, if applicable.
  • Official AP, CLEP and IB score reports, if applicable.
  • Official ACT or SAT test score, if desired; UD is test-optional in admission.

Students enrolled at Sinclair College should have a minimum 3.0 GPA and the preferred 15 hours of articulation agreement credits completed, as well as submit:

  • Official high school completion document.
  • Official Sinclair College transcript.
    (Note: Upon receipt of your application, UD will request your transcript directly from Sinclair College.)
  • Official transcripts from any other college(s) you have attended.

Current Sinclair students must have at least one full semester remaining at Sinclair to enroll in the Academy. Students in their final semester at Sinclair might need to apply to UD as a transfer studentIf you have questions about how to apply, please contact James Magwood.

What Type of Applicant Am I?

You’re considered a UDSA first-year applicant if you:

  • Are a current high school student, even if you have earned college credits through College Credit Plus or other dual-enrollment programs.
  • Have never attended a college or university.

You’re considered a UDSA transfer applicant if you:

  • Are currently enrolled at Sinclair.*
  • Are currently enrolled at another college or university.

*If you are currently enrolled at Sinclair and in your last semester, you may be considered a transfer student, rather than a UDSA applicant. If you have questions about how to apply, please contact James Magwood.

Mailing Address

Transcripts should be mailed or sent electronically from the institution to the Office of Recruitment and Admission. Home institutions should direct electronic documents to or mail them to: 

Office of Recruitment and Admission
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-2713

Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked "Issued to Student" and unofficial copies are not acceptable.

Once all required information is received, your application will be reviewed.

Next Steps

After being admitted to the UD Sinclair Academy, additional steps will need to be taken at both Sinclair College and UD to complete the process.

Single set of open quotes

Through the academy I found hope and courage to pursue my education. I am thankful for the UDSA for being the bridge for my education here at UD.

Flordeliz Lapso, UDSA Student